My experience and perceptions. I share for authenticity and my healing. Corporations and people I thought were my friends in reality they were my teachers of many teachings of expansion and clarity of my life and alignments. I share in a revealing of the lies, deceit, fight or flight survival and sharing of a story of love, life, pain, suffering, struggle, manipulators, liars, cheats, clones, dead people walking and a whole whirled of clarity and cognition.
This will-could be in many writings same title.
This is the second writing in this series.
In 2008 after being out of the corporate environment for a year healing, I had decided I needed to make more money and I thought I needed to go back to work in the corporate whirled. I had reached out to some friends who worked at ABC company and asked if they had an alignment for me to come work there, they did have alignment. I interviewed and accepted an offer with this ABC company.
Employees were required to work 7 am to 8 to 10 pm and do so 7 days a week, yes Saturday and Sunday too - though the hours on Saturday and Sunday were more reasonable and we could leave around 5 or 6 pm and sometimes if we did good we could leave at noon on Sunday; because ABC company was at the beginning of an accounting system conversion and it was massively behind schedule, budget and it was negatively impacting daily business. I was originally a member of the team and promoted within two weeks to a month to being a team lead and shortly thereafter promoted to manager and was taken more leadership and projects related to the system conversion. I became an expert on the product during this time. Eventually I was promoted to an AVP title.
Sometimes pre-approved vacations would be reimbursed by ABC Company and the employee “asked” to not go as they are needed at work.
While working at this ABC company I completed the accounting system conversion, headed numerous departments bringing each department I managed to excellent performance, happier employees, worked to reduce working hours and increase productivity, headed most of the acquiring of new funds into ABC company, accepted phone calls in the middle of the night to help fix problems, outsourced multiple tasks and departments, cleaned up stale data at ABC company and with vendors that fed into this ABC companies systems.
There was always more work than could possibly be kept up with, as though by design (looking back now), constant stress, constant urgencies, constant fire drills, constant fight-or-flight, and a massive micro-management style to the point of exhaustion.
Example, oh on April 23rd at 10 am we sent you an email and you did not reply for 3 hours. Today is December 20th and we saved this until now to bring up so we can no dock your bonus by 10 thousand dollars. Meanwhile I got around 300-1,000 emails a day, plus meetings, research, my own work, people management and yes 3 hours was a no-no for a reply to an email.
There was a manager who I worked for at this company and worked with as a colleague at a former company. This manager, she was known for being evil with a smile. Some would call her the terminator and joke that she wanted to eradicate human existence and wants only cyborgs that work super fast 24/7 (this language was used openly, in emails and inter office communication), this manager would take credit and managed up the hierarchy chain and would spit on the people that worked for her, not spit literally more figuratively. She looked down on those below her in the organizational chart and she was a master manipulator and used everyone around her like chess pieces on her board.
After about six months on the job, I started to search for a different company to work with in the industry I was already working within, I was met with a wall of let down, because the manager I was working for had strategized with the competing and similar companies a no poaching policy and if someone was interested in a move to a different company, it needed to be decided by this “group” which in my perception was created and held together by this single manager through a fearful underbelly of her wrath, no one wanted her wrath and felt better to be on her good side and so many just played along.
I felt trapped under the thumb of a tyrant and also my time felt controlled as most all my waking time was expected to be dedicated to working and I wanted my life back and I wanted to make money to live, there had to be a better way, so I realized I was unable to find work in the similar industry due to the no hire no poaching agreement so I went back to school at UCLA to refresh my accounting skills, gain more credits to take the CPA exams and I had thought maybe I’ll start my own CPA one man company, I did take the courses and I did pass 3 of the 4 sections of the CPA exam, though something wonderful happened during the CPA exam process and I shifted my focus and diverted from the CPA path, plus the section was audit and regulation and that was just nonsense in my perception and I didn’t want to be engaged with that part.
In 2012 I was at my breaking point of misery at ABC Company, the employees were miserable, stressed, full of anxiety and it felt like we were all walking on egg shells of putting out constant fire drills and more work then was possible.
I meditated and decided I would manifest a great corporate experience. I wanted to be paid the same or more, I wanted to work with appreciative people, I wanted to control my own time, I wanted to work with super smart people who were masters in their skills, I wanted to work with the can do attitude and colleagues who wanted to be there for the skills not just the pay check and healthcare.
Two weeks later I matched with this perfect company, and it was everything I asked for and I did have a most wonderful 4 years at that company - (series 1 is post the 4 years - I might write of the lovely experience in another series).
The manager at the ABC company was on maternity leave with her second child, I emailed her and other managers in the shared office space and company. This manager did a few things.
— One, she asked another manager in the office to “review the vendor agreement and see how we can stop him from leaving” This another manager verbally told me because she felt conflicted in what to do, she had to do her job from the overall managers orders, though this was nasty and she, the another manager, felt awful. After reviewing the contract the other manager did let me know there was no language in the direction she wanted.
— Two, she called the sales person from the vendor company where I had procured my next corporate employment. The sales person and “she” negotiated my terms of release from ABC company to vendor company. Vendor company gave her vip tickets to the tennis Wimbledon and other vip perks, in addition to reduced cost on their contract. Also as part of the deal I was to stay at ABC company for 6 weeks before I could leave as my punishment for leaving. During my time left my system access was on and off, IT employees put in uncomfortable situations because they liked me and she was in charge and so they had to do as she said. I sat there for the 6 weeks and patiently served my sentence. I felt stuck in this agreement because the new company was in an awkward position between me and this client of theirs I was coming from. The sales person at the new company assured me all was well and they too saw a darker side to this person they were dealing with and they were happy to help me come to work with them and that they appreciated my willingness to play this out. This new company gave me an additional payment when I started as a nice surprise and thank you.
— three, she canceled the vendor contract soon after and outsourced many of the departments and people I had managed to another company. She did not adhere to her side of deal. When she canceled the company I was with was supportive and told me they were happy to have me and I did much more for them and other clients than this one client - and they reminded me too - people will see her and that company won’t have her there much longer. (As of today, to best of my knowing, she does not work at ABC company).
Some additional insites:
Inspired from a meme I saw…
“Employee burnout is a management problem, not an employee problem”
I have had perception of managers who have a volition of meeting and exceeding corporate goals, a volition to ensure a loving working environment and balanced living conditions and I have experienced personnally and perceived board members with an insatiable greed for more and competition - like a drug for competition, these board members demanded from managers more output with less and then managers had to take on more, manage the employees personally and professionally and manage the insatiable greed from the board for more with less and faster. I had perceived carefully crafter words to be shared to motivate employees to more output, faster and for less overall, thus allowing for the record profits year over year.
Layoffs coordinated from the top as a strategy to “shake things up” “keep them sharp” “remind them they are dispensable” keep the fear of losing the job to motivate longer hours for less pay.
Employees forced to sign corporate policies where the company protects the company, the board, from the employee and placing the employee at a disadvantage if any dispute manifested.
Employees and people in general have been lied to and overworked for generations and the burnout is humanity has hit it’s limit on suffering and slavery.
Truth - authenticity - lying - marketing - ethics.
I have experienced others who are so conditioned to lying and normalized lying that they are unable to see a lie for a lie and focus their life on tasks and to dos so to keep busy and not need to sit with their own energy and vibration.
A sharing of love and perception in healing a navigation of ……..