The Enemy of Truth is Blind Acceptance

Sometimes it is depressing how easily many were to betray friends and colleagues for a pay check. So many so dependent on the system of corporate slave work that they cause harm on fellow souls and quantum entangle their soul spirit into dark situations because of corporate laws and policies getting people to harm and steal from other people. Soldiers murder other people beLIEving they are protecting their family or country and most likely it was a planned event/war between both sides of the war and the purpose is to have murder and bloodshed as to lower the vibration of those killing and lowering the souls schooling into lower dimensional experiences. Has the observer noticed things got worse, more lies, more control, more poisons, more violence, more sexual preditors, more health crisises, etc…. Planned and controlled to try and control.

Eventually it comes to light for each, Each as forever as the soul never dies and is continually transforming and evolving or devolving.

The experience of life can be soverign and loving and expanding and/or it can be a slave response of following orders of other beings having an experience. They show the truth in movies and tabloids and say it is fiction and in higher realms this choas is a game to find your way out.

Each soul when it awakens from this dream has a good cry of accomplishment and expansion and their is an abundance of laughter, love and joy. All pets and loved ones are present at each souls crossing through the arches.

All is safe. This is a school. A school for each to test self strength versus crowd consciousness. A school to know thyself in strength.

A goal of this experience of life, to know thyself, to see thyself, to see clearly and evolve through judgement to discernment to knowing in love of all. To know self authentically so, so that evil is felt and seen and not engaged in an ignorant way and rather met with love, patience and kindness and not swindled into evil and then embodying evil. Evil is being brought to the spotlight for all to choose openly.

With love,