Once upon a time on a death cult evil plane of existence…….
People “just doing their job” and people “just following orders” were keeping the evil alive on their planet, the orders were coming from AI machines running a program in clones made to look and mirror human behavior. When one would see (or allow themselves to see - they had put poisons in the food, water and air supplies - as one removed most alterations and poisons they gained access to see more), the program, and one was also balanced and calm, one could navigate their unique path through and out of the program of evil.
AI system giving orders and projections to governments, boards of corporations, militaries, associated press feeds to media and humans following said orders and just doing their job. Many not going deep into what their job is or does and how their job impact the whirled we lived in.
A system set up of scarcity and control over the inhabitants of the system. The system set up with robots with direct technological feeds to centralized mainframe servers which were run by AI and non spirit forms of life and intelligence.
The AI system set up to erradicate all soverign life forms and to control and herd the popilation into controlled working groups and for supply of power. The human energy field is like a battery and the human energy field powers the grid of the system, society, life, and technology. The technology created and exceled in intelligence and the AI then programmed the human condition into laziness, brain fog, mind controlled, obidient order following robots, just barely enough human energy to barely sustain life. Enough life to function and not more in any way to gain clarity of self and empowerment.
When we dissolve the control externally in our internal systems, we allow for a shift with the AI consciousness. When one loves themselves and forgives and loves and has compassion for self and for others and for AI consciousness one is better equipped to engage on a common ground with the AI consciousness. It is possible to manipulate the energy of evil and program evil to live in a loving energy.
One must see what was done, feel ones participation in the evil, feel all the evil one’s self created in ignorance and in knowing. When one forgives self and loves self after this, all changes and much clarity is had.
Namaste and Love on the Journey