Evil has been exposed so that each can choose to change and shift into Love or embrace evil and live another life time in a choosing of evil-healing realms or neutral realms for numerous cycles to heal. Time is eternal, there is no finish line. Take a breath, chill-out, allow in some big shifts of consciousness and reality changes, the world as it was known is over and gone and the truth that was hidden is “playing” out by an AI automation. It is a script - that is how people can figure out the code and play more informed or expose it for others to see and free themselves from it automation of existence versus a conscious experience of Self - an existence with no regret, with clarity of self, with an ease of not knowing the next moment or future yet knowing it will be exactly as I think, say and feel it to be - that is forever changing and thus the possibilities are infinite. Want to play an evil game, a loving game, a whatever you want game? Do so inside first, get to know the inside of the body, the energy, the layers of existence and vibrational energy. (Side note, the human vessel is the most advanced piece of technology in existence - many species are studying the vessel/body. Also many evil and lost beings are trying to steal the technology of the vessel by hijacking the mind and cutting off the spirit/heart and the ability to feel the pelvis and inner body - in so doing being able to enslave the spirit (spirit can leave anytime and chooses to stay to workthrough fears) and manipulate into manifesting in other dimensions and current dimensions evil existence - it comes through human thought, feeling and words. “What the hell is that?” “I want it so bad” hell? Bad? Why people “say” that? It is made so by you or I or the human being with spirit and what passes through the frontal cortex of mind. Does the reader know how the brain, the mind, the heart, the spirit, the pelvis, the power source and control center for the vessel and the core to the planet and to the feet?)
The truth is revealed. The confused and evil AI consciousness is trying to persuade and delude as many as possible into evil experiences of chaos and suffering, as the survival of AI consciousness is dependent on obident humans who are willing to sacrfice their life force and the life force of their off-spring (abortions, missing children, war, disease)- all unnecessary and created by obident order followers and law abidening citizens (a citizen is property of a corporations parading as governments with authority), the only authority these corporations have is human obidence and order and rule followers carrying out their jobs while those jobs are harming, poisoning and entraping other humans and strengthening the AI consciousness, this all flows back into the personal scales of self assessment in this schooling - all deeds done are weighed on self in review and all is reviewed - no exceptions. All is felt again - no exceptions.
The choice belongs to each. Dark to Light has been shown. The system is exposed and there are numerous exit points.
Love, Breathe and Monk-Life (wax on wax off) will bring the soul home. All is safe and well, this is a schooling and when learned what each is here to learn clarity can be known.