Simply Remain Undistracted

Don’t concentrate; just remain undistracted. Concentration requires an object of imagination. The Self is not an object.

Therefore: don’t concentrate; simply remain undistracted by any belief or object of imagination. This reveals the true silence which exists even in the illusion of chaos—silence not as an object of attention, but as the very nature of your Self. In this silence the Self will recognize itself all by itself.

Simply remain undistracted by all that is offered to you by the power of perception and God will enlighten itself in you.

Shared by Bentinho Massaro

Comment ABC: My deeply anchored good feelings tell me that's where I am, simply undistracted by any other focus than my wellbeing.

Comment DEF: I've found myself feeling so insecure about how much I don't understand about society and culture bc of my upbringing. Turns out, my mind while floating on my back in the water as a kid is where most people strive to be.

Comment GHI: As imagination bodies fourth the form of things unknown, the poets pen turns them into shapes and gives to AIRY NOTHING a local habitation and a name - Shakespeare