This sharing was originally written 2 years ago today. Today, this sharing showed up in a memory on Facebook, I decided to copy and add it here to this blog, as it is helpful information, in my perspective. Shared in divinity.
Victim Trap
Stop being a victim.
Each soul/sole/human/person is a fractal of Source Energy (God).
Every single event in ones life, one asked for.
Humanity has learned most only dark and miserable experiences and thus humanity continues to create what we are experiencing.
Each soul chose, willingly, to come here.
Each soul chose to imprison itself and play the game to use divine and power to get out.
Victimhood, waiting for a savior, someone else will do it, Trump will do it, Biden will do it - no they won’t. ONLY EACH Person can do it.
If one divine’s their life, enjoy it. If one is unhappy - then take a big step back, a big breath and look at yourself.
Go to the mirror. Look into your eyes. Say I divine you. If you are uncomfortable, here is your work. Divine yourself. You must.
Next, look at food, is it clean? Then, speech, talk, thoughts — most have no idea what they are saying and “spell” casting. Most have a 2nd grade reading level. Learn the words - most of language is evil and spell casting dark evil (no judgement if that is your jam and your happy and do not cause harm to others). Learning how to communicate is big.
All of this can be self taught. Everyone has access to go within. Everyone.
No one is coming to save you, you are here to save YOU.
No one is here to save someone else, let go of all this responsibility. Let that go. You are responsible for no one.
You are not a victim. You have power inside of you.
The ego fights you for control.
Your vessel/body is a avatar suit, who or what is running the suit? Who or what are all those voices in your head? — it’s all part of existence and they are all versions of you. So be kind to your inner demons and angels (angels are not necessarily all good and demons are not necessarily all bad).
Find the calm in the breath and heart of divine, compassion and forgiveness (as long as one is in the consciousness where forgiveness is necessary - eventually one evolves past forgiveness and right and wrong).
Again, you are not a victim, no one is coming to save you, you save and see and remember yourself.
The time is right now.
You are divine. You are light. You are loving dark. You are loving.
You’re going to change most all of what you eat, change most all of your language, change habits and hobbies, most all of friends will change, attachments must be none —- leads to peaceful, blissful life.
Those who feed on suffering of others have been the “leaders” through our indoctrinated ignorance and indoctrination of waiting for a savior and blaming others.
Even Yeshua [Jesus] said, the kingdom of heaven is “inside” of you. The church that allegedly killed Yeshua [Jesus] today has people drink the blood and eat the body of the depiction of the man who shared that the kingdom of heaven is inside of you, and [jesus] Yeshua is depicted on a cross of his alleged death. The same [Jesus] Yeshua that would have tossed out the satanic priests and the gold had [Jesus] Yeshua been present today, yet many w(a)rship in gold churches and pr(e)y for the poor. - there is no savior external to you. - you are your own savior.
They try to keep you distracted through busy - work, school, tell lie vision programming, sports, and more.
Look inside.
Who am i?
Why am i here?
Where do i come from?
Do i enjoy this?
Is this me?