Cannibas & Hemp Storyline and Knowledge Sharing

Sharing of some research about cannibas and hemp.


It existed in 1900, but a patient cured is a lost customer, and they had to outlaw it..

"Until 1833 Cannabis Sativa was the largest agricultural crop on the planet, from this plant you could get a myriad of different products, as the hemp plant has the most resilient natural fiber in the world." You could get fabrics, oils, medicine and paper from her. Until 1900, most textiles were made from hemp and about 50% of the medicines on the market as well—for nearly the entire second half of the 19th century. More than 25,000 products could be obtained from their cellulose (from dynamite to cellophane).

But by 1900 in the United States, flashing notes began to appear in the newspapers that drew attention to the dangers of this cursed plant, which drove people crazy... and made them play "devil music": it was born or the blues.

And a cured patient who can also dress, feed and get energy from a plant was a lost customer. So Cannabis or Hemp was banned in all forms. It couldn't compete with the emerging cotton, processed foods and oil industries.

Over time it was called "marijuana," in an ominous allusion to Mexicans (the first to bring this plant to the United States), who consumed it by smoking it after their extensive days of work.

Today, the substance that takes the most lives in the world (beats AIDS, heroin, crack, alcohol, cocaine, car accidents, fire and crime combined), is tobacco. However it receives state subsidies in many countries and radioactive fertilizers are even used for its production.

Tobacco claims nearly 8 million lives a year globally; alcohol over 3 million. Even caffeine is responsible for nearly 10,000 deaths a year, and another 7,500 lives (in the U.S. alone) are charged by painkillers.

If we think, for example, of addicts, before cannabis, in degrees of addiction (according to the World Health Organization itself) we find nicotine, alcohol, heroin, cocaine, painkillers and coffee. Four of the six substances mentioned (which sugar could be added according to new studies) are legal. "


The year is 1914. The years of World War I and farmers growing "hemp" for US dollars... Keep that in mind and read on.

Industrial hemp is not just an agricultural plant.

It is the antidote to oil and the dollar.


1. One acre of hemp produces as much oxygen as 25 acres of forest.

2. Again, one acre of hemp can produce the same amount of paper as 4 acres of trees.

3. While hemp can be turned into paper 8 times, wood can be turned into paper 3 times.

4. Hemp grows in 4 months, wood in 20-50 years.

5. Cannabis is a real radiation trap.

6. Cannabis can be grown anywhere in the world and requires very little water. Also, because it can repel insects, it doesn't need pesticides.

7. If hemp-based textiles go mainstream, the pesticide industry could disappear entirely.

8. The first jeans were made from hemp; even the word "KANVAS" is the name given to hemp products.

Hemp is also an ideal plant for making ropes, cords, bags, shoes, and hats.

9. Reduces the effects of chemotherapy and radiation in the treatment of cannabis, AIDS and cancer; it is used in at least 250 diseases such as rheumatism, heart, epilepsy, asthma, stomach, insomnia, psychology and spinal diseases.

10. The protein value of hemp seeds is very high and the two fatty acids it contains are not found anywhere else in nature.

11. Hemp is even cheaper to produce than soy.

12. Cannabis-fed animals do not need hormone supplements.

13. All plastic products can be made from hemp, and hemp plastic is very easy to return to nature.

14. If the body of a car is made of hemp, it will be 10 times stronger than steel.

15. It can also be used to insulate buildings; it is durable, cheap and flexible.

16. Soaps and cosmetics made with hemp do not contaminate water, so they are totally respectful of the environment.

In 18th century America, its production was compulsory and peasants who did not produce were imprisoned. But now the situation has been reversed. FROM WHERE?

-W. Р. Hearst owned newspapers, magazines, and media outlets in America in the 1900s. They owned forests and produced paper. If the paper had been made from hemp, you could have lost millions.

-Rockefeller was the richest man in the world. He had an oil company. Biofuel, hemp oil, was of course his biggest enemy.

-Mellon was one of the main shareholders of the Dupont company and had a patent to make plastics from petroleum products. And the cannabis industry was threatening the market for it.

Mellon later became President Hoover's Secretary of the Treasury. Those big names we talked about decided in their meetings that cannabis was the enemy, and they eliminated it. Through the media, they have imprinted marijuana into people's brains as a toxic drug, along with the word marijuana.

Cannabis drugs were withdrawn from the market, replaced by the chemical drugs used today.

Forests are cut down to produce paper.


My Input

This is shared for our knowledge This is not an endorsement for the use of cannibas, this is sharing of knowledge for you, the observer and living-being to have this sharing of knowledge and to better know thyself and the options available. Cannibas should be user responsibly and in my perspective in ceremonial divine ritual of love and clarity and with an intention of what the use is for.

In my perspective cannibas and hemp are a wonderful living energy that can be a teacher to clarity, when utilized in a balanced and divine way of intention.

