Word Magic Nuggets

Word Magic Nuggets

Small little nuggets from some of the academy teachings….

Hello = O hell - this is the calling of hell into the kingdom of the body. Greetings is a replacement. This is called parse syntax in words

Good morning = good mourning - the good of suffering and mourning of suffering. Notice that people and NPCs will speak of what is wrong, how horrible life is, gossip about others, speak of suffering. The kingdom of the body opened by stating “good” “mourning”. Rising time, grand risings are two replacements I have used.

Fun - Some may think this word to be a good word for having a good time. Etymology the word and one learns that fun is trickery and deceit. Humor was a slippery slope into the twisting and use of the word fun to cause despair, chaos, control and enslavement. Many beg to have fun, not realizing they are begging to be tricked and deceived by demons and the one wanting fun is not only giving permission for suffering, though, is asking for suffering.

Link to etymology: Origin and meaning of fun by Etymonline https://www.etymonline.com/word/fun