[My deep esoteric studies, timeline travels, in my perspective, jesus is loaded with deceptions and also much clarity for when one is ready to step aside from the main narrative.
Alchemizing the end of lies of jesus and reviving the truth of yeshua. Dark (jesus) to light (Yeshua).
The jesus statue in Brazil was hit by the lightning bolt of divine to shine light.
Tartaria. A nugget.
Holy grail. A nugget.
Jesus on cross naked and suffering and then eucharist to eat body and drink blood - satanic rituals.
Evil existed because humans practiced evil naively. Manipulated into beLIEving in devil and warshipping the devil aka jesus.
Christianity and religion a tool used to darken human hearts into evil and slavery through conditioning of making evil appear good and just and legal and lawful while full of deceit and lies and misgivings and quantum entanglement.
Jesus - devil.
Yeshua - human being of god.
No judgement with jesus and yeshua stories, as each is where each is in their journey.
For those walking bravely through lies to self mastery and truth, this is a wonderful door to go through for clarity in self mastery.
Shared with peace, ease and love. Zero volition to connect with any demons, entities of fun, or those wanted triggered to respond on defense, zero volition to connect.
I engage with loving beings of divine god in pure form of love.