I got tired of the lies and all the ugliness, so I stopped participating and dedicated the rest of this life to focused divinity, and self mastery and engaging with those I feel aligned to engage with; I dissolved guilt and supposed to and societial pressures of conformity and being a good person or citizen based on what outside beings, robots, entertainments, books and laws say I should. My logic showed me laws made by liars, cheats and theives that warship evil are not my kind of people or beings or laws aligned to me and I forgive, divine and hold compassion for those still enslaved, though not my show and not my circus. I let go of the liars and the ugly energy with no judgement. I live for me until that ends which is okay to be now, tomorrow or 20 years from now, all that matters is divine, authenticity, compassion and divinity (god) self and all selves.
I shared and teach with those ready. I do not convince or debate. I share with those who are ready and eager to learn and be self masters and let go of convenience, slavery, victimhood, addictions, and self sabotage programmed by societal structures of evil normalcy and complacency and conformity and insatiable fear of not enough. Dissolve and evolve the fear and lies and victimhood into self mastery in divine, strength, god, wealth, knowing, wisdom.
Breathe. Meditate. Still the Mind. Be at inner grace and ease.
Shared in bowing humbled divine and divinity.