Prior to the invasion, all lived in abundance, love, joy, adventure, knowledge sharing, wisdom, wonder, advancement, exploration. A golden age.
Sinister evil was welcomed in, in the exploration. Noah built an ark, advanced beings prepared to leave. It was evil’s time to reign.
The time of the evil has ended. The experiment complete. It has been clean-up time, since 2017, everyone’s been paying their karmic bills, balancing the scales and returning to divine consciousness.
No one is left behind. All ascend. Timing and how and when is unique to each fragmented soul. If one begs to know - it is a while longer. If one is in ease and indifferent and knows inside they are divine god - just about there.
When the outside world is a bore and engagement with other avatars is seen for what it is, the divine god can flow through and be known to self. For a moment it can feel lonely, though impossible to ever be alone, as we are all connected. To know and see this, one must know thyself. The invaders had done all they could to be the opposite of divine love. They taught sinister evil and taught that it was love and those who played get to master that lie and embody wisdom as they dissolve ego and return home to divine authentic love of god-self.
We can move through the judgements and victimhood and into mastery of knowing thyself. Numerous robots, clones and advanced technology portraying to be human, animals, insects, nature and to be able to feel - what is authentic and what is artificial. Authentic a direct flow from divine, and artificial is a creation from a divine being that is controlled by a degree of separation from direct divine god. To know the difference aides one through their journey of self mastery.
Self mastery in the opposite. Can you see and feel?