Many are recovering from multiple life-times of indoctrination. We're taking our minds back now though, bit by bit, or in great, big chunks. We're unravelling the lies like a tangled ball of wool. We're all helping each other do it. Nothing can stop it. And it's glorious
For some it feels awful, that is the fear and darkness consumed in the body. For some it feels blissful, those are the ones that have disappeared.
More are going to disappear from society (your society, has you will learn more and more, you are the only one here) and 3D reality. Memories will fade of the past. The white shores are calling souls home.
Anxiety and fear of what is to come will bring more unwanted experiences. Master being calm, master silencing the mind, master being loving, master being peaceful and most of all - master being in the now space and not being pulled into the collective matrix of indoctrination by hive mind engagements and quantum entanglements.
As the ease sets in, the sails rise and the birds sing of the inner knowing and the outer world becomes enlightened into a clarity of the inner world and the connection.
The feeling and knowing of existence of all non-physical and physical atoms/particles/energy is known in all of the physical body and the air space surrounding the physical body. The breathe and divine god and demon gods can be felt and known exactly in the bodies (physical, mental and spiritual).
The strength to handle this knowing and seeing and feeling comes in the mastering of the silence of the mind. Because when the demon gods inside of each are left not watched and left to be free, they cause havoc and chaos and fun and when they can be loved, known, and coded (mantras) to be divine, they will be so in divine - they just need to be commanded - by you. Irony is, they have been following your orders, the language was part of the indoctrinated deceiving master schooling, the entire time.
The outer world is loaded with challenges by demons for the easily distracted, the needlessly entertained, the lazy minds, the over worked, the victims, the minorities, the under paid, the mis treated and abused, the neglected, the fearful, the needy - they are all part of a mass harvesting feast and it is the choice of being consumed of the material experience in the chaos of “that energy” OR owning self’s experience and each now space l, getting to know self divinely and in divine timing, in an ease and divine graceful flow.
In this now space, it feels the challenge is to keep swatting in a peaceful and neutral and loving way the distracting, insatiably desperate energies that want to take and steal instead of move or produce their own energy. The practice and study is of monk-life, peace and neutrality in a balance of divine knowing, wisdom, strength, love, wealth and grace.
There is no past or future. There is only the now moment. There are no new days, old days, there is only today. The only thing that changes, the only thing that shifts is your perception of the now, of how you view yourself, and how you view the world outside of you in the now. As you expand in consciousness, as you become aware of the larger picture, and realize higher truths, your perception shifts.
Why does one age? Age and disease are due to the matrix programming. As well as well operating on 2 strands of DNA instead of 12 strands which is the original human template. 10 strands were "turned off" after the invasion by malevolent ETs.