Written March 16, 2023 and first published March 19, 2023.
Last updated: March 19, 2023.
Once upon a time in a far away land, a child asked a wizard…….Why is there evil in the world?
Fear and lying, that’s why.
- Politicians, known liars, cheats and theives.
- Order followers - Just doing my job, killing millions and billions and quantum entangled to those deaths, in ignorance or willing blindness of fear?
- Soldiers, troops, military, security guards - is it loving? Is it stealing? It is of god? Who sent thise troops to war? Politicans, known for lying, cheating and stealing. Killing millions and billions for which the quantum entanglement is on the killer.
- Medical - It’s a job and it kills and enslaved most and helped very few. A system of slavery and control. Torture and control. Killing millions and billions and the quantum entanglement is on the one doing and participating.
- Marketing - Spin in to make it sound good while rotting their minds, bodies and spirit connection. Lies. Misleading many to slaughter and misery.
- Corporations. Corps - dead entity. All capital letters, like a grave yard. Dead. Awake (like a wake of death) in the mourning (to mourn) the weekday (weak) for which to work. Slave ships of labor to siphone current - energy - life force.
- Sugar - poison and it is given to children as rewards for following orders and doing as they are told. Sugar in baby formula. Rots the brain and mind and weakens the body. But hey, it has cute marketing, dancing characters and they donate to xyz charity (also a fraud).
- Tradition - Santa claus is lying to a child. It damages the brain and then leads to acceptance of evil and ignorance to see it, lying was normalized and rewarded with gifts and excitement. A devils trap or satans trap satan and santa - get it. Red suit full of ….. it’s a blood bath out there.
- Charity - a corporation set up to persuade others of good deeds while really laundering money for drug cartels, mafia, human trafficking and war games and marketing it has some great divine thing.
Wow, this is overwhelming said the child Yes, said the Wizard, a great challenge for a great strong spirit of god to come into this grand evil school and to master self through it all, to see thyself and not be lost in illusion and delusion of false light. To see evil and to love it in all ways. To not give evil blind acceptance of existence and rather to sit with and get to know why and how evil came to be and to alchemize evil, when the teaching is complete into divine god, where it came from in original form. To move through the judgements, regret, guilt, envy, alter-ego and to practice being in divine love, peace, grace, joy, bliss, wealth, wisdom and strength.
Many blogs, writings and videos in the Energy is Everything EIE collection to aide, guide and teach a divine adept in self mastery.