The Workplace Became Mundane and Slave Like and Divine was Needed

Once upon a time……

[The workplace became mundane and slave like. Managers and Directors taking orders from the top board of directors, executives and majority share holders. The innovation died a long time ago and became an AI driven, robots in control, order following, scared and in fear, easily influenced minds of beings that do do do and work work work and most are miserable and pretend in a forced way to make the best of it. Few capable of seeing and handling the truth and thus, in the past, many would find it easier to just go with it, just another day, just another weak, just another year, and before one knows, they are at the end of their life and regret sets in, why did I waste my life just doing, just being basic, following orders from machines and robots, working to death and living a life that was told to me to be living and at the end, I see, I may not have lived for me, rather I may have lived for others and sacrificed my life and experience for the system and other machines programs, at times it can feel like a waste…or it can be a great teaching, a great turning point, a great pivot to see how controlled and enslaved much of the experience was, to forgive self and others, to divine self and others and to have compassion with self and others to allow for a growth in self, of a divine god self.

Back to the corporate lies to see and be and to grow from and empower self. To stop supporting slavery in buying, working for, working with and partnering with.

Promises of more while actually getting less.

Employees told they are valued and special, while being treated as a head count on a spreadsheet.

A system of insatiable greed and fear of scarcity that eliminated joy, laughter, and divine in much of what humanity was doing in the past. Humans became slaves running from place to place carrying out “duty” and “work” with pride and ego disguised from fear and misery and self hatred. A self hatred carefully programmed into humanity.

It started with lying about santa and giving sugary poisons often times called treats or candy to children - lies and sugar rotted the brains (which can be healed).

Humans working multiple jobs to attempt to take care of a family in an economy of gaslighting and shadow banning and beating into submission through chaos and force and fear.

A few evil beings, incorporated the world countries into controlled slave ships and they held their control through fear, control, and massive manipulation. Politicans were bought and sold, facts controlled by money, science a joke of control, religion a death camp of indoctrination and confinement, medical a torture chamber of suffering and repeat business, and jobs and working a slavery of business through the bonds of birth certificates into slaves also known as 16th amendment slaves. Slavery was expanded not eliminated.





Self empowerment






Shared with divine and peace