[Life is many things, knowing oneself is a non-material being of god spirit in an incarnation of material density to make the unknown known in the material world. Thoughts and words, words written, thought and spoken have impacts on the life and timeline for which one is living and riding on. This sharing is showing numerous words and association and how they contain many misleading challenges of learning to master in divine self.
Pray and prey.
Prophet and profit.
Host and host.
Spelling and cursive.
Real Eyes Realise Real Lies.
Daze of the Weak and the Weakend . When you die you have a wake. Demon Man Human in that order is a Trinity. Brush up on your prepositions and suppositions and you'll know the definition to every word simply by how it's spelled. However what you really want is the etymology. Never think of your weekend as *I have 2 days off! Because what you are actually programing your mind subconsciously is *I have to daze off. The English language is absolutely riddled with these vampiric parasitic energy traps veils and illusions.
Good morning (good mourning) .
Hello - Hell O. O hail hell.
Atom and Adam.
Worship - war ship.
Mort- Noun
Death; especially, the death of game in hunting
Gage- (n.) "a pledge, a pawn, something valuable deposited to insure performance," especially "something thrown down as a token of challenge,"
Mon - My
E - Energy
Y - "is characterized by,
or inclined to."
*Money - My Energy is characterized by, or inclined to.
Superbowl Superb owl.
Evil is to live in reverse.
Word vs Wyrd.
Justice - Just is.
Bless and be less.
Cursive is a curse if.
[Good Morning]
Morning or mourning is to mourn the loss, to be sad, to be low vibration.
Those who taught in the past, taught death and suffering and used language as a weapon.
Empower with knowledge and wisdom.
If one does not want to be in [good mourning] and suffering then stop and correct the language and habits.
Replacements for [good morning]
Grand Risings
Happy Risings
Lovely to see you
Language Post
Oh hail hell, o-hell; using the word [hello] calls forth the hell of demons to come and be forth and to exist and all that is brought forth in post spell of command forward.
In the etymology of the word [hello] I found little evidence of the toxicity of this word, though I can feel the hell of evil in the word.
Possible replacement words:
No words and a head nod instead of words.
Maybe you have some other replacements or additional sharing of the word mastery, this posts word is [hello] and replacements for that word in this comment’s thread.
Shared in peace, love and ease.
when people say hell no i say heaven yes.
Rise and Shine