Raising Ones Own Frequency of the Heart

A sharing by SoulLight777 on Twitter and I wanted to share too [are my edits and additions]

“Focus on raising [thy] own frequency via the Heart Center, and watch the world rise into a new realm of peace and love.

Once the inner shift takes place, the outer world has no choice. No, this does not mean that everybody magically wakes up and comes along with you. This means Your reality shifts. You will naturally find yourself in a timeline which matches your own frequency. And there will most certainly be others there with you.

The question is are you truly ready? It is important to understand that you cannot drag anyone along with you. You must accept this now, and dissolve emotional attachments. Trust that each being will find themselves where they are destined to be. You are responsible only for yourself. You won't be holding hands with anyone as you enter the Fifth Dimension. For each has their own Heart Portal to the Fifth Dimensional frequencies and its realm.

Breathe into your heart space as you feel yourself rise. You are ready to embody the Fifth Dimensional version of You.”

End Quote….

I enjoyed this sharing and felt the inspiration to share with others. I feel in alignment with this sharing and finding in my own experience this embodiment and knowing.

