[A ponders ponder…
Society made legal evil and and illegal divine god = the kingdom of heaven and it’s laws of divine love. Opposite society and the kingdom of heaven. Society a program of evil.
To know thyself one must journey through the evil of themselves and the strong truths of a life lived of lies, in the past.
To evolve into knowing it was and is a school.
To reject society in one’s own pace and timing. As society collapses before thee eyes, what is to see but house of dead lies burning in the ashes of yester-gone of the past.
The price of “free”. Free is never free, it is most often more costly in energy than if the free thing was paid for.
Social media “influencers” gather numerous followers to share how humanity is being enslaved by “xyz”. Then, depend on advertising pay outs for high follower counts by “xyz”. Then, act genuinely surprised when”xyz” cuts then off from their money feed. Does the influencer gather life force to feed the system that is paying them to gather mass followers? Is the content uploaded to their cloud websites altered with demonic programs? Is this another layer of the lies and trickery in the system?
Small businesses work to not be sucked into big business, build a customer base on the small business and then sold for a profit the small business to a large business or private equity firm - then the slow decline of the business into cheap nonsense and consolidation in an aim to control resources, which was handed over to them in deceitful small business buyouts.
Claiming in one breathe to love humanity and then in another breathe buying property at auctions from evictions. Buying foreclosures. Buying tax liens. That supported the evil system.
Hypocrisy is why one cannot see. When one is authentic, the peeling of layers of lies comes undone and one can see. It can be a nightmare to see the ignorance and the participation one was involved in. It can be agonizing to admit how much evil self inflicted onto self and onto others in ignorance and in knowing. Divine love of self guides each through it all, we all are here and did these things, own it and heal it and love it and rise in love of self.
Soldiers motivated and influenced to fight and kill to defend their country. What is a country? A corporation with shareholders, parading as a government and enlisting soldiers to fight in hunger games, games by groups of other beings for entertainment, sport, and evil sinister manipulations. Veterans suffer because of what they have done and their soul is attempting to help them heal, though the alter-ego of wanting the fighting, time away from family - the need to feel justified.
Crypto currency (crypt - where dead bodies are kept), is it any better than? Internet needed to access money. VPNs made to be illegal, all internet tracked and access controlled by an authority. The mining of the crypto operations sold to large corporate banks over multiple years by eager, naive humans to make large sums of money and then have that wiped out with the games of the system.
Medical system, a system of ensuring the customer are dependent on the system of medical and repeat customers. The medical system indoctrinated the workers into the devils hand in pure addicted evil of enslavement and control, most delusional in self righteous indoctrinated nonsense and twisted language of thinking they are helping or healing and in reality they are causing the most harm, because they be-lie-ve the lies and their customers aka patients be lie ve the lies too and led to slaughter in trust of an outside source. Some may have had healings with the medical system, those healings where placebo, meaning, that healing was from you and despite the medical advice or drugs, one was strong to heal. Another hypocrisy. Some of the most evil beings founded the american medical association.
Shared many things that many frustrated with the system have run into, in hopes of being saved by the same system, they do not like and want to see change, yet hold on like an addict to the old system - Stockholm syndrome. Fear. Addiction to predictive programming.
I found in my journey numerous schoolings of advanced trickery and deceit (aka fun) for which I had mass despair and suffering and fear and also mass growth, love, clarity and divinity. An extreme of opposites and some of the most advanced schooling in my current perspective.
[The herd of 3D reality, the majority are being led to slaughter, do not be like the herd. Divine god shows the way, it is not with the majority. Divine god is inside of self. Divine god is in the silence and stillness. The majority is a program of conformity, suffering and delusion. The herd and majority a master level school program of the opposite of diving living man and is evil (live spelled backwards is evil). The majority are running on programs to keep the system of fear going, fear does not have to be the foundation of ones exerperience and perception of living.
Each being chooses every second by what the one reading this is thinking, feeling and saying. Who or what is in control of the brain/mind - physical body and what is in control of the bridge between divine god and the physical body and brain? - to each their own. I chose divine god in divine love.
Shared peacefully and neutraly in divine love of divine god]