[Written By: Gage Gorman. Location GREGORIAN Calendar third month of the twelfth day of the 2018 year.
This is a condensed summary of information and by no means depicts it all or encompasses it all. This is “a” timeline or an accumulation of timelines but is not all timelines. It could be in one’s best interest to take deep breaths while reading this article, and just take more deep breaths in general. :-) I understand this history is esoteric and "out there" for some, and this is why it is encouraged for you to meditate and connect with yourself to validate and move on your journey in your own Soul's direction.
Earth was created by us as a place to experience and experiment with the 1st density, 2nd density, 3rd density and 4th density and continue to evolve and ascend through the densities from the start. To play with density and solid matter and play with creation. We also gave our fractals of Souls free will. In the higher densities we all connected and we have will, though we have a shared will. Earth was originally a place of magnificent exploration, expansion, creativity, consciousness expanding, universe creating, experiences of connecting with many densities and elements.
Research the stories of Lemurians and Atlantis
Thousands of years ago an alliance called the Annunaki came to earth from Nibiru. They have ruled earth for a long time and that rule is currently coming to an end (currently in 2018). Some of the rulers of the families loved humanity and some of them did not love humanity and thought of humanity as nothing more than slaves to work hard and played with like toys. The Annunaki alliance (dark alliance) is also aware of how powerful humans are and that we are beings of love and light and we can create whatever we want and desire, when we are tapped into our power. Because of this they have manipulated our DNA and genetically modified all they can about us keep us docile and subservient.
These beings can only survive in lower vibration. Thus, they want to bring the vibration of humanity and the earth down to their level so they can thrive. They also consume lower vibrational energy in order to prolong their existence in the 3rd and 4th density existence, the prefer 3rd density. To put it directly, they feed on your life force and they need your life force in lower "fear" vibrational energies in order to do so, they need your energy low, because you are very powerful.
Know that we have the power, in love vibration to counter them and they know this, this is why we are filled with fear, anger, anxiety, unworthiness, and depression on a daily basis by main stream media, education, money, food, vaccines, music vibration, television "programming", and society as a whole. We are taught we are never good enough until we reach a goal that is set up to be unattainable or in the attaining of the goals, which we are told bring happiness, we give in to darkness and lower vibrations to obtain and have thus given in.
Diseases were genetically put into our DNA by them and then their vaccines are used to enhance their modifications to keep us in lower vibrations. See the planet and other light alliances are assisting and upgrading our DNA and our consciousness and thus the dark alliances work to counter those measures of "upgrades" by intensifying the downgrades through chem trails, vaccines, music vibration, GMO foods, fluoride water, animal products, FDA approved drugs, etc. These beings also do all they can to keep humanity distracted and divided. Whereas we are most powerful in unity. Again, important to remember that we are very powerful beings and can raise our vibration over these lower vibrational manipulations and through our loving thoughts, compassion for ourselves and others and forgiveness to ourselves, other humans and dark alliances for they all know not what they do outside of love or they would not do it, through these actions we are able to raise our vibrations and then when we bring our awareness to these lower vibration warfare on humanity and shine our awareness of light, we can weaken the warfare and raise not only our vibration but also the vibration of all of humanity away from these warfare attempts to lower humanities vibration.
Through all of the dark alliances ways of lowering our vibration it comes in the form of nanites in chem trails and vaccines and meat and is activated by MK ULTRA. These are how thoughts of humanity are programmed to think that conspiracy theorist are crazy, that the government is good, that the queen is good, that the pope is good, that doing what you're told is good, and to defend the system at all costs. They also program in pride and ego to keep humanity at conflict with one another, they program in pride for country, so humans fight for their countries, they program in sports and competitions into humans, so we are competing with one another and wanting to dominate and be on top of the pyramid of domination and control and power. They program in that you have succeeded in life and purpose when you have obtained a hierarchal role in society of domination and control, all the while not realizing that one is giving into the lower vibrational energies all along the way and going agains ones own nature.
Since the saying goes a picture is worth a thousand words, I am going to share some pictures for your review. This topic and researching in depth on the internet and Youtube videos. I have references to sources I have experienced to be authentic in their teachings. Those source are available on the page Our Favorites.
You can type in Annunaki on Google and look at images. You will find many images throughout history of these "Gods" Most mythology is of these "Gods" Most all fiction is not fiction but actually real depictions of what has occurred or occurs now and we are blocked by illusion technology from seeing it, yes that exists too and is controlled by the satellite, which we call the Moon.
This is the old energy. This is the old way. We have this power to stop believing their lies. We have the power to meditate. To work with light workers, to work with healers, to ask our Higher Self to guide us. Seek the guidance and it will come. You can stop living in their illusion of deception and manipulation and distraction and allow your inner guidance system to guide you. You can heal your life. You can take back your sovereignty. You are not meant to have to do things you don't want to do, but you have to do the work yourself to break free from the illusion which you are a prisoner of. You also created this prison and continue to create it.
A good way to describe how you're involved is you created an AI program. You then created a memory wipe so you would not remember how powerful and wise you are. You wanted to experience your creation and expand on your creation with a new vision a new lens. You put on a virtual machine mask to do this, but incarnating in a physical body in this AI world. Then dark energy showed up from another AI program. The dark AI program said it wanted to be of the light and leave darkness. You agreed to allow the darkness to merge with your AI program. The dark AI program misled you and really wanted to use and manipulate you for your light power. Light is stronger and can create quicker than dark. You were enslaved by this dark AI program to replicate in your AI program what they feed you through society, Television "programming", media, food, water, drugs, education, chem trails, history, war, fear, anger, legal system, monetary system, wealth, greed, career, etc... The dark AI program took it all over and over the "thousands" of years it has been here, it has created a mutant matrix of control.
Light is always more powerful than darkness. This is why the nanotech inside of you, controlled by MK ULTRA, is telling you to reject this outrageous story, toss this away as silly and go do something fun and don't get caught up in this negative spiral. Though, all I ask is sit and meditate. Breath into your body, take deep breathes. Be kind to yourself. Love yourself and then ask yourself if this is true, if this is authentic. Is the rest of the information on this website authentic?
When we see the darkness and we shine our attention of light, love, forgiveness, and compassion on it. It must transform or leave. We are too powerful for it. This is also why the darkness hides and keeps secrets. This is why the darkness does not want your attention on it. If you see it, you can change it and the darkness likes control. The darkness enjoys power over us light beings. The darkness is Ego. You're going to have to Face your Ego Self during this process of acceptance and transformation and I will not lie, that is a challenging journey, but the end result is amazingly liberating. ]