Dark to Light in this perceived now space

[people just doing their jobs and ignoring the evil they are working for is how evil entangles people in their mess, we have generations carefully conditioned to perform evil and beLIEve they are doing good.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

We are watching the world come into divine love, but the rewind from evil to love is a crazy ride and much ego, anger, and anxiety and extreme fear is playing out to bring divine clarity of each one’s love.   

Much love and compassion for us all as we face what we have done, what we have taught others, what we worked on and who (or what) we worked for.   

Evolve through the judgement, forgive and step into change and out of ignorance, order following, law abiding of laws made by liars, cheats and theives and connect with divine loving self (god), god is within every living-being and living-being’s creations.  Choose love.   

Corporations are corps - dead entities.  The language is loaded with spells. They operated in secret to keep the masses ignorant.  Who is they?  That is each one’s own journey to unravel at a pace they can emotionally handle, love, compassion, forgiveness, meditation and self discovery.   

I was naive and believed I was working for good companies and good people and as I allowed myself to see the truth, I could see what was being built was a prison of comfority and perpetual lies drowned in distractions of busy and shoulds and orders and policy and legal nonsense and unjust laws twisted in a language of spells of confusions.  The world is in chaos for many reasons, one of those reasons is language another is obidient order followers who perform evil with a false badge of honor.

Love thyself

Have compassion for thyself

Love others

Have compassion for others

Forgive self and others.

Be okay to leave the corporate job.  I share from experience.  I left a high paying corporate job because I could not support the policies, the lies, the enslavement, I saw what was being built and many do, many see it and are fearful for their families.  Fear is a prison and “they” know that.  They made humanity dependent on them and their systems of control and conformity.  They conditioned many to work for them and carry out orders and conditioned them to believe they were doing good.  Then they inflated the egos so if one discovered their truth they would be so ashamed they would drown themselves in distractions with bread and circus.

Many books, movies and songs have shared the secrets in coded messages of the schooling of evil and prison and each can walk with divine to clarity, it is a challenging journey.  In my experience, allowing self to ease and surrendering to love and divine within guides each soul on each one’s “unique” path to divine home.  So also be careful of comparing, as the journey to divine is unique.

Namaste and Love
