Now Time and Space Sharing

[Once upon a time in a far away land and right here and now, People gave up earth resources to deceiving beings who invaded human consciousness and instilled evil as normal and degraded the human connection to divine spirit.  God was taught to the human to be feared and god is not to be feared, god is divine love and god is inside of each human vessel, and each human vessel may also contain a devil of influence for which influences the human to give permission for evil to have rulership of the human vessel and to surpress god divine connection to the human vessel.  Society and business has much instilled evil actions and thoughts and ways of being into humanity.  This revelations of what has occurred is at this now space, the education, medicine, food, water, government, laws, society, history, the human existence where all taught to warship evil and give the human power away from divine god and into the devil of existence from outside invading forces.  The time to allow self to connect to divine god within and allow self to let go of what was taught, let go of lying, let go of addiction, let go of expecting an external savior to come make it all better, let go of external healing and know that the savior of self and the healing of all comes from within.   Ease, peace, meditation, love, kindness, compassion and forgiven are ways to clarity.  Allow the ego of what was built up to identify of the self to be dissolved and engulfed in the divine love of god from within.   The devil entities built up over time will fight to stop this, this is an internal battle and all the minions for which the evil devil controls will attempt to stop self from connecting to divine.  The path can appear many times to be lonely, know in self that self is always loved and always with divine god from within, self is never alone, though it may appear lonely when one is only conscious of the visible outside world and disconnected from inner loving self.

Namaste and Love on the journey for those on the journey.  May love fill all and divine guidance be with self. 
