[You have a choice.
You always have, had a choice.
You can choose to believe the things you have been taught by government run schools, government run FDA, government run food chart, religion, media.
All of which profit and benefit from your servitude and obedience to “their” system for which you have never had a say.
You may think that you have a say, that is by design. You may think you vote. Though, do you know how much money it takes to run for office? Do you think those in office care about you or the majority of humanity? Could it be possible that both candidates your choosing from are both paid actors? Or clones?
Most in office are paid actors. Notice how wealth of money “elected” officials accumulate after being in office? Where does this wealth come from?
Do you question the societal structure? Do you get overwhelmed and give up? Or maybe you don’t question at all because you’re too busy?
Are you too busy by design?
You have a choice? You do have power?
Do your own research.
Change what you do with your time.
Become informed of your inner self.
The inner guidance system will guide you.
Divinely balance to intake of food, and other substances.
Let go of the bread and circus distractions. Spend more time go inside of you.
Spend more time in nature.
The Youniverse is inside of you.
“They” do all they can to keep humanity distracted from going inward and keep humanity focus on outward things only. We are made to have a balance of inner and outer world.
Humanity has given up its sovereignty and freedoms to extremely manipulative beings, who can look just like humans.
Humanity is much more powerful than these beings, but humanity is too busy right now, poisons themselves with poisoned food and water. Humanity is too busy distracting themselves entertainment, sports, arguing, etc. “they” get humanity to fight amongst one another, this is genius to them, as humanity is busy fighting over skin color, wars and genocides from the past, for which those suffering are no longer here, a confused gender population, all while continuing to degrade the earth and humanity.
The good news, this dark structure of control is falling apart. Yippie!!!
Though..... the change is not going to happen while you sit on your butt and do nothing. The change is not going to be seen in your life, until you change the things that are making you sick, change the things that are making your tired, change the things that are making you afraid. Change the things where you have been giving up your power.
This planet does not have to be at war. This planet can see peace on earth, very soon. This planet can be blissful for everyone.
You have a choice. You always have had a choice.
Do you know all your options? Or are you limited in the options you have because you’ve been taught only a few options?
How can you know more of the options? Go within your YOUniverse. The universe is inside of YOU.
Question everything you’ve been led to believe. You have been fed most all lies of what the world, your world, can be like. You are most powerful. You are a fractal of Source energy. You can connect this for yourself when you go within and turn on your power
Oh..... and “they” programmed society to think this stuff is “crazy” and weird. So if you try to go against the governments programming and the tell lie visions programming, you will be called crazy and shunned by those still engulfed in “the system”.
Ever seen the matrix? Ever seen the campaign? Ever seen Celestine prophecy? Ever seen Peaceful Warrior?
Much love most powerful being of love and light. You are amazing. You are most appreciated. You are loved.
Earth is an advanced classroom. You are an advanced being of love and light. Your goal is to remember who you are.
Who Are You?
Why Are You Here?
Where Do You Come From?
Much love.
Shine your light and love where ever you work and into what you work on.
And, I don’t want you to believe anything I say or write without YOU connecting to you. I’m not here to be another outward source telling you what to believe and do. I am sharing to help you question and provide a seed of knowledge, for which you can choose to go in and validate, explore and find your own answers and solutions. I’m here to encourage all to go inward to connect to your Self, you’re authentic Self.]