By Wendy Erickson (a soul friend of Gage’s)
My soul cries out
My heart is in pieces
So many lies
We are having to live with
My daughter says
The lesson is faith
And I agree
And yet, my soul cries
For all who live in fear
For all who feel depressed,
Angry, sad, and anxious
For all who believe the lies
For all without a livelihood
For all who are being censored
For all with addictions
My heart grieves
For all harmed by measures
'They' say are for our good
For the few who line their pockets
On the backs of their many victims
We who question are dismissed, smeared, silenced
Labeled as dangerous
'Conspiracy Theorists'
While those burning and destroying
Are lauded as heros
And yet, I understand
Our people didn't have a chance
Under the constant bombardment
Of the propaganda they call news
And here we are
On the cusp of an election
Living with so many lies
The truth struggling to come to light
I do have faith
I know good will prevail
I believe in the days to come
Our world will be a better place
And yet, my soul cries
My heart is in pieces
So many lies
We are having to live with
by Wendy Erickson