I create my own reality. Said by many and inner-stood by few, in the past moment.
Today, I can be the change with myself. In this now, I can alter my beliefs, away from limiting beliefs and expansion into what appears to be the unknown. With love in my heart, with peace in my mind and with abundance always in flow in and around me, I step forward into the unknown. I find love, peace and abundance in the unknown.
I let go. I let go of the ego addictions to "Convenience" to "efficiency" to "working harder" to "earning my way" I let this go. I let go of the sky is the limit, no... there is no limit.
I let go of the hurry and the rush. What am I in a hurry for? I am rushing for it to get better, at a later time (a time outside of this now). If I do this and get there, then I will be happier. If I make this amount of money, then I will be happier and find my bliss and peace.
As I have sat in the all and the nothing, as I have sat in much of the unknown and have found peace (most of the time) with being in the unknown.
I am more aware of my thought patterns and my feeling in my body. I connect more with my breath to connect more with my thoughts and feelings. I have, through practice and discipline with self seen that I can connect to all things. I can connect to self, I can connect to objects, I can connect to other people, I can connect with animals and plants and trees.
I forced myself to align with jobs, people, experiences for which I believed were “normal” and thus I must be “odd” if I don’t like or do these things too. I see this. I see this pattern through knowing myself more authentically.
As I have stepped into my sovereignty as a human-being or as a sentient life form. I have been able to see my experience as an observer, to see how the pattern of a thought stream can ripple out like a rock dropping into the middle of a lake. The rock being the thought pattern and the ripples that the rock creates which moves across the top of the water, has ripples which move out in every direction until it touches something else within interaction of the surface of the water; the thought patterns I have move out in the world (multi-verse, universe, etc.) and these ripple throughout existence until it can find a matching vibration and when the thought pattern finds a matching vibration, it then return back to sender with that of which the thought pattern as found in matching vibration. Like the ripple across the surface of the water, if it hits a tree stump in the water, it will then return back to where the rock was dropped a ripple.
Wow 🤩
As I came to this innerstanding, I then realized my thoughts and my feeling have all the influence on my experience. I can and could see most creation of the pattern of my thoughts and actions and how particular things happening, right now, in my life, how these things have come to be in existence because of my prior thoughts and feelings and ripples I sent out in the universe.
I also am able to see that how I react to my now experiences, will determine my thoughts and feelings, which create vibration, so in other words my vibrational experience, going forward. If I deem my experience in this now to be in alignment with my harmony and truth at this now time, then I feel that I want more of this thought, feeling and experience. If I deem my experience in this now to in a vibrational experience for which I am feeling fear, uneasy, anxious, sadness, rushed and vibrations like this, I then let me mind and body self know, this is not in alignment. I then, ask… “Higher Self - I am open to clarity in this lesson, I am open to know thy name and start of where this experience came from, I am open and willing to be the change to align my experience, in this now, to this harmony for me for which I am in my I amness of my existence.”
I have found that searching externally for solutions in my life, yielded to me a 10% return. I have found that searching for solutions internally in my life, yielded me a 100% return. It appeared the externally solutions were easier, faster (as I was in a rush for …..), more efficient (someone else did al the work, I’ll learn from their work and do it more efficiently); though as I look back on my journey and in this now, I find that my yearning for solutions to my problems in the external did the opposite of what I intended it to do.
I find repeatedly that my thoughts and feelings are exactly what is bringing about all of my experiences. I find when I balance my ego, love, peace and abundance that I can move into a flow of consciousness where I am at peace in the flow and I can easily see the patterns of the matrix (combination of all thought and feeling patterns and the strings attached to it and how to journey through the string attachments to the origins).
If judgements arises, I immediately breath, reset, and go within to love and compassion and move past that judgement. I check with my thought patterns and matrix strings to see if there is a pattern for which I am having this judgement, as judgement of another is really judgement of myself for which I am not aware or open and willing to look deeper. I breath, pause and move forward in love.
I see me.
I feel me.
I love myself.
I am worthy of love.
I am worthy of Peace.
I am worthy of Abundance.
I am open to let go of the things that do not serve me.
I am open to the unknown and full of love, compassion and breath.
I am open to the reminder to breathe.
With Love,
: Gage-the-energy-wizard 🧙♂️