Observations from Gage — Enjoy or Not — Your Choice — With Divinity
My observations and current truth.
I have experienced and seen that convenience weakens the mind and can enslave the being to the convenience. There are beings that know this and know how to market their snake oil to enslave.
I have seen competition destroy the essence of mankind. Disguised in a cloak of creativity and advancement, competition I see. Taking loving beings and having them grovel over scrapes for entertainment, fame and money.
Entertainment laming the mind into division, anger, anxiety, and weakness of mind and spirit in this material world.
Fame a false sense of being divine and wanted. Though really, what does fame bring to the human experience authentically? Broken promises of divine or weak needing beings begging to be seen and divine, yet hidden behind a deeper feeling of not good enough, material clothing and sneaking spells of words that hypnotize the additional weak minded into complacency with the words and spells being broadcasted. Like a tell-lie-vision - as an example.
Spirit - the essence of who we are, yet when in lower vibration the spirit is drown out by the fear, division, hate, anger, competition, lust, greed, revenge, sadness, depression, anxiety, war, famine, dis-ease, entertainment, pursuit of the dangling moving carrot of freedom. Spirit when heard, when felt can shine a light in these manipulative tactics to distract the human from their true power. The spirit can heal the body and mind, when allowed to. The spirit (being the observer) can see these clones, demons, darkness of separation and evolve into a strong enlightened being. The human can know thyself and have joy - in a state of being of self and shift out of the lower vibrational control of fight-or-flight, fear, division (competition) and dullness of entertainment of competition and convenience.
I have come to experience that those selling the easy path and quick fixes are selling temporary patches as a solution, which prolong the authenticity of a true self enlightenment. — in my observation - this path forward is full of difficult choices of letting go of our addictions, conveniences, entertainments, fears and divisions and going within to quiet the mind, synchronize with the mind and lovingly and with openness embrace the mind and allow it to expand with the loving heart and spirit. This can sound like nonsense to those under the hypnoses of entertainment and convenience. It is a journey that, at first, can feel lonely, with dedication, discipline and divine, one can have moments of pure bliss and joy and with more practice one can have moments become minutes and minutes become hours and hours become days.
The more one unravels the perpetual bombardment of addictions, conveniences and entertainment - the closer one becomes to knowing self. In my observations this can feel scary, and the survival instincts want to take over, the survival instincts have been studied and broadcasted into signals all around us and picked up by a dull mind- “they” know it keeps humanity trapped into that wheel of running in circles and chasing a dream that is always just out of reach. When we divine ourselves and others and change into our own true self, we can experience a loving world.
My observations of a view of truth. If this resonates with you, divine - I divine you. If some of this resonates with you, that is divine too and - I divine you the same. If none of this resonates with you and you think this is nonsense, that is also divine and - I divine you the same. I divine you. I divine me. I divine. I am. I am divine, I am divine. I am knowing. I am strength.
With Divinity,
I am stopping much more often and observing nature. Enjoying the wind blowing. Enjoying the hummingbirds, the bees, the birds, the chipmunks, the squirrels, the deer, and the quiet.
Peace be with all.
They played hunger games with humanity. The wars were planned to keep humanity divided so they could play, feed on and control the human herds.
Our vibration is everything. They want us in fear, greed, manipulation, lust, angry, depressed, and DIVIDED.
When we get into divine, compassion, and we get past forgiveness - we gain clarity and step more into our own power. “They” do not want humanity in their own power because we out number them and we are very powerful beings and “they” don’t want us to know that. When we do know that we ca change the world to be a place of much abundance for ALL - and that abundance does not come from an “authority” and “representation”.
Much Divine
A sharing from September 15th, 2019
A reply to a comment about having spiritual conscious authentically loving of humans, politicians and governments:
And that “will” happen.....when humanity connects to Self and can feel authentically; this is required for humanity, to then vote and change the energies, in politics.
In politics, they must have humanities permission to do everything they do. They must have humanity support “them”. Because humans are the creators, so they must have you give them your power “willingly” and so many do because they are not connected to Self.
“Them” defined as those elected representatives.
When humanity connects to Self, then humanity will “vote” and change who’s the representatives and thus when “they” truly represent humanity again, then the bliss for all comes. —- the way I feel and see it as of this moment in the flow of now, in collective and single aware.
My evolution on this sharing today in 2021…..
I have evolved on this sharing, just above from 2019. I feel an additional route is to not participate in their system of politics and to create a different system, formed locally. I feel that having someone else “represent” us is not in our best interest, as those representing, often times, soon forget who they are representing and often times end up working for the puppet masters through greed, manipulation, blackmail and/or threat of harm to themselves and their family and divine ones. Even after the politicians may be removed, those puppet masters may place clones controlled through AI to continue to play their roles of keeping humanity distracted and consumed in bickering and fighting and division all while the puppet masters lavish themselves in looshing of energy and life force from the naïve and “represented” corporate state own persons who willing vote to be represented as a corporate owned person or entity (notice your name is all CAPITAL LETTERS (corporate owned entity) verses Not Capital Letters Name (living being). What is on your voting card? What is on your bank account? What is one all financial and government documents? CAPITAL LETTERS.
What do we do about it? In my experience, thus far, I have come to resonate that we are each unique and for each of us it is going to be different. One of the best ways I have experienced, thus far, to know my uniqueness or for one to know their uniqueness is to connect to self. To quiet the mind, to clean the body so that there is clear flow of information and to talk to ones own God self aka Source Consciousness, aka Infinite Intelligence and in that communication with Self we can find a path of clarity for self (Self).
“They” get those
who are “just doing their job” to do all the dirty work and get caught in low vibration, and in low vibration one is a feeding ground for parasites, AI nanotech, and mind control - when one can raise the vibration out of fear and fight or flight and survival, one has the opportunity to see, feel and act more clearly and of sovereignty (freedom).
With Divinity
My volition is of peace, neutrality and rule one/rule equal
As the system, for which so many are dependent, is dismantling, many are afraid, angry and confused.
Those who are aware of the unplugging occurring ♾ from this system, can be most loving and supportive towards those who are not.
Judge not others for their beliefs .
Re-read that last one.
Be patient. Be kind. Be present. Do less. Be more. Allow divine to soften the Ego. Softening the ego allows for awareness to expand.
With divine
Puppets and actors and clones playing their roles, doing as they are told, obeying orders and herding the herd.
The government is not going to educate you on how to be independent from needing corporations (who control the “government” - we are currently changing this on this planet ). You are going to need to educate yourself. It does get easier.
The government’s job is to keep the human population busy, unhealthy, consuming, and obeying their rules (aka laws). Notice those who make the laws don’t have to follow those same laws.
Trust nothing from the government and always be discerning. Trust your heart. Trust your inner knowing. You have the gut feelings about something, listen to those.
What the government says in nutrition is more of a recipe to keep you on prescription toxic drugs and numerous doctor visits and surgeries.
Good nutrition: Fruit, Plants and for those who must be a little naughty still, clean grains . No meat, no alcohol and no dairy (no caffeine and nicotine too). Little sugar, (no white sugar, sugar has animal bone in it). Drink clean water and bless your water when you cannot get clean water. Most tap water and bottle water is not clean. Get a filter.
Link to World Health Organization about Bacon and processed meat is a carcinogen and can cause cancer