My shared observations and my version of truth in this now space and forever transforming and evolving. (September 17th, 2021 Gregorian calendar - earth)
We are all seeing and feeling more authentically.
Some are attempting to drown out the authenticity, because they don’t like how evil and dark it has been. Dark-to-Light (is that making more sense now?). Some drown this out in entertainment, drugs, alcohol, being busy, being angry, feeling like a victim and blaming others.
Some are embracing this authenticity and going through it as openingly as they can handle and allow, at a time, and then going in for more. More of what? Authenticity of Self. Seeing, thinking and feeling exactly how ones own actions of thought and feeling is creating the collective world. Seeing the karmic debt from the past (inclusive of past life times) and walking right in and confronting and being open to love, be compassion, forgive and see that all that we see that is evil — is the observer that is seeing it (karma). Feel victimized - the one feeling victimize was the one in the past creating the victimizing energy and now it has returned to the sender. All energy is doing this, it always has, it is faster now. Want a loving and compassionate experience - then be it - think it. Feel it. This comes first.
See hate - respond with love. Go within and the hate inside and respond with love. (I know it can be difficult and agonizing, be patient and kind with yourself - AND others).
The material world is a result of our “authentic” thinking and feeling — marketing is not going to save you from yourself. Putting on a happy face that is fake is not going to work. Following orders is not going to relieve one from the karmic debt (karma or just energy - what one puts out - that is what is returned — within balance too scales too). I am just doing my job does not relieve one from the consequences of their energy. Being and choosing ignorance (no judgement - this is when one knows and chooses distractions because they are in fear and altered ego) will not stop this process and the planetary energies, avoiding it will increase ones ability to function on this planet.
Alter ego - the ego portion which was programmed by mother-father, sibling, teachers, society, marketing, governments, annunaki, religion, overlords. Beliefs.
(I will define ego too - ego - the fractal of source consciousness energy (light) which is “you” in your uniqueness and this is perfect, love and light. This is housed near and in the heart in your vessel (aka body) and the ego is a vibrational consciousness of your soul (“altered” ego is that programmed, in submission of beliefs which are to be obeyed by an authority that claims dominion over your vessel/body and gives orders which if followed lock one into a lower vibrational experience which is controlled and enslaved).
When a soul incarnates, the soul is divine and perfect. There is no born on sin, that is alter ego programming.
Beliefs - what are beliefs but momentary aware of “a” portion of “a” truth of the consciousness of the observer. When beliefs can be in the cognition of a forever flow of evolution, one is in their source consciousness space and divinely aligned for a stare of being of joy and bliss.
May the divine in each align and allow and be at peace.
Much love and compassion and heart felt peace for all. I feel. I see. I hear. I know. I am.
With love,
Gage-the-energy-wizard 🧙♂️🌲🏔❤️
(It has been a grace of being and of love to share in this space time). May peace be with you.