The truth was so horrible and evil that people got violently upset to know of the truth. Because of this trap, many lived in a misery pretend world of busy, to do’s and tasks. Following orders and performing tasks to keep busy and to not stop and rest to be in an ease, the ease would never come in the lies, deceit and poisons of the time. Each people’s surrcoming to their own demise in indoctrinated igornance of naive alter-ego of a color of fact knowledge dressed in pretty, colorful and loud marketing draped in lies, deceit and trickery and presented to people’s as the way it is and how it works. The trickery word called “fun” and accepted and begged by many to have “fun” Etymology the word “fun”
The truth can set one free, free the mind and the rest will follow. The truth is far from what society taught was reality. Mother and father surrendered their divine and became pair-rents and like Adam, sacrificed their children into kids and gave them to satan in the birth certificate and solidify their war-ship when they worship and in traditions like santa or satan claus, in the red suit covered in the blood of kids. The gifts of giving and acceptance an exchange for the taken life force by evil and demons. Society taught to lie, cheat and steal - it’s just business - many were taught. Taught to be led to slaughter - as energy never lies and the bill always comes due to the doer.
A way that evil and demons are given life.
Dead energy (unused emotions, suppressed emotions, out of control emotions) get locked up in different parts of the body.
Exercising and breathing can and will move these locked up energies. That's how you release those emotions from your body.
If you don't release the emotions, "sepsis" is developed. They become negative egregores aka demons.
The truth of self and the world all around is waiting for self to dive into it and experience all the experience of good and evil and to eventually grow and be in a place of peace, neutrality and rule one rule equal and to know and to live in divine love of god self. To give and receive love in all one does, always, and to be a beacon of truth, love and divine grace in all.
Namaste and Love,
Love <3